CLASAX Professional Development Day

Our 16 participants in the Professional Development Day for clarinet and saxophone teachers were treated to workshops and forums on a wide range of teaching issues.

  • Jason Digby gave an insight into the Trinity Guildhall syllabus, and teaching high school aged students working at the Diploma level.
  • Andrew East gave a hands-on workshop on Alexander Technique and its application to clarinettists and saxophonists
  • Marla Swift explained the methods involved in her new book, “Finding the Rhythm in Music”
  • Paul Donnelly detailed common repair problems with clarinets and saxophones and their ‘quick fixes” until the instrument can be taken to a repairer
  • Lisa Clarke led a forum discussion on general clarinet and saxophone teaching issues

Add a delicious lunch (made by CLASAX President JoAnn Griffiths) into the mix, and it all adds up to a great day of learning, sharing and networking with other teachers. As clarinet and saxophone teachers we often work alone- either in a home studio or as a visiting instrumental teacher in a school- so events like the Professional Development Day are important in sharing solutions for common problems and success stories!